Bylaws of the International Livestock Identification Association Page 2 continued...

Article IV (Meeting)

Meetings of the association shall be Annual or Special.

Annual meetings shall be held during the month of July. Future annual meeting sites shall be selected at least one year in advance and approved by the majority of the members in attendance at the annual meeting.

The host state or province will communicate with the Executive Committee regarding accommodations and agenda items prior to the annual meeting. All expenses incurred in making arrangements for an annual meeting will be the responsibility of the host state or province.

Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President at a place convenient, if possible, to the majority of the Committee.

The Association may send delegates, selected by the Executive Committee, to the annual meeting of the National Cattlemen Association and/or the United States Animal Health Association.

Article V (Officers)

The officers of the Association shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Director at Large, and Secretary-Treasurer. The Immediate Past President shall be considered an officer of the Association. They shall be elected for one year terms by the official members of the Association at each annual meeting.

The President of the Association shall be the presiding officer at all annual and special meetings of the association. Except as otherwise provided, the President shall have all the powers necessary to carry out the objectives of this association. In the absence of the President or his ability to serve, the President-Elect, Vice President, or the Director at Large, in that order of succession, shall exercise the duties of the office of the President.

Article VI (Executive Committee)

The Association shall have an Executive Committee of six members. It shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Director at Large, Secretary-Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. The Executive Committee shall constitute the administrative body of the Association and shall determine its activities and policies.

The Executive Committee shall nominate an alternate member at large to serve in that position should a vacancy occur within the officers of the association.

Special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee.

Travel expenses up to $500 each for members of the Executive Committee to attend mid-year or special meetings may be paid by the Association.

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